Perceptions and Perspectives of Stakeholders on Mother Tongue Education in Tanzania
Ritha Raphael,
Eustard Rutalemwa Tibategeza
Volume 10, Issue 4, July 2022
19 June 2022
20 July 2022
4 August 2022
Abstract: This article focuses on the perceptions and perspectives of stakeholders on the challenges facing pupils especially in rural areas in learning a second language in pre-primary and primary schools and the challenges that might hinder implementation of mother tongue education at lower levels in education. Views and ideas contribute much to the changes in issues that concern development, like the use of the language that the pupils are familiar with as the medium of instruction at early stages of learning since it is the most viable in the acquisition of basic concepts at that stage. The pupils will maintain their first language when they begin schooling because it leads to improved comprehension of the curriculum as well as creating positive attitude towards schooling. The skills which pupils get from the mother tongue at home are transferred to the formal education at school and are re-taught when they are translated into a second language. Pupils with a strong mother tongue background find it easy to pick up a second language and develop their literacy skills. It has been found that a strong mother language foundation arms pupils with the skills they require to learn other languages and allows them to transmit their knowledge of the structure of language to numerous new languages. Data were collected from Magu district in Mwanza region, Tanzania by involving two wards, namely Nkungulu and Sukuma through interviews and focus group discussions. The findings reveal that mother tongue education at lower levels of education has been neglected since home languages do not have official status in Tanzania. The study indicates that pupils face challenges in the learning process because the language used in school is not the same as that used at home. This leads to lack of participation among parents in assisting their children when doing their academic assignments at home. The paper recommends that serious measures need to be taken by language planners and policy makers to include home languages at lower levels of education in the learning process especially in typical rural areas where pupils are competent in their mother tongues.
Abstract: This article focuses on the perceptions and perspectives of stakeholders on the challenges facing pupils especially in rural areas in learning a second language in pre-primary and primary schools and the challenges that might hinder implementation of mother tongue education at lower levels in education. Views and ideas contribute much to the change...
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Factors Influencing Cattle Naming in Haya Speech Community
Osmundus John Mberwa,
Eustard Rutalemwa Tibategeza
Volume 10, Issue 4, July 2022
19 June 2022
20 July 2022
4 August 2022
Abstract: The study aimed at investigating the socio-cultural factors that cattle name givers consider during cattle naming. The researchers decided to conduct the study in Haya speech community because it is in this community where people tend to bestow different names to cattle compared to other animals kept by Haya. Besides, the researchers wanted to investigate denotative and/or connotative meanings of the names bestowed to cattle. The study was guided by three theories, namely onomastics theory, semantic field theory and descriptive theory. Qualitative research approach was employed and the study was conducted at Bukoba district in Kagera region - Tanzania at Bujugo and Karabagaine wards. During data collection, interview and focus group discussions were employed where a total of 34 respondents were included in this study from four groups: cattle owners, Haya language experts, shepherds and people with knowledge in recitations. Snowball sampling was used to get the respondents. The total of seven socio-cultural factors that cattle name givers consider in cattle naming among the Haya were found. They include: colour of cattle, behaviour, structure and size of horn, origin/etymology of cattle, body size, sex of cattle, and structure of reproductive organs. The researchers conclude that, bestowing names to cattle, among other benefits, helps cattle owners to identify their cattle and it increases animal-human relationship.
Abstract: The study aimed at investigating the socio-cultural factors that cattle name givers consider during cattle naming. The researchers decided to conduct the study in Haya speech community because it is in this community where people tend to bestow different names to cattle compared to other animals kept by Haya. Besides, the researchers wanted to inve...
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A Study on the Characteristics of Writing Test Items of English High School Entrance Examinations in China in 2020 and 2021
Volume 10, Issue 4, July 2022
3 July 2022
24 July 2022
4 August 2022
Abstract: Being the most important large-scale and high-stake examination in compulsory education, the senior high school entrance examination (SHSEE) has been the focus of testing research for a long time. They are designed to examine students’ language achievement and proficiency according to the requirements of the 2011 curriclumn standards for compulsory education but are the same time influenced by the concept of core sompetencies by the sniopr high school English curriculum standards in 2018. The writing test, especially the writing test items in SHSEE can reflect students’ English proficiency and give washback to future test design and writing teaching. This study carries out an analysis of 102 writing items in SHSEE from all over the country in 2020 and 2021, focusing on their characteristics and the quality of test design. This paper adjusts previous frameworks and follows three dimensions, seven subdimensions to analyze: Test Content (Genre, Topics), Prompt (Form, Length), Test Context Design (Authenticity, Interactivity, Openness). The results show that: Firstly, practical writing remained the most prevalent. Prompt form tends to diversify and the form of outline rprompts remains the most popular. Most of the items succeed in designing authentic, interactive items with open space for students to write and create. Most test designs are in accordance with the concept of core competencies of the latest curriculum standards issued this year. The results of the study has implications and provides some guidelines for future writing test design of middle school English.
Abstract: Being the most important large-scale and high-stake examination in compulsory education, the senior high school entrance examination (SHSEE) has been the focus of testing research for a long time. They are designed to examine students’ language achievement and proficiency according to the requirements of the 2011 curriclumn standards for compulsory...
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Resultatives as an Equative Construction: Evidence from Japanese and Romanian, and Its Implication for English
Volume 10, Issue 4, July 2022
11 July 2022
1 August 2022
10 August 2022
Abstract: In current studies of resultative constructions, there are broadly two basic subclasses: weak and strong resultatives. It has been said that there are weak resultatives in Japanese but no strong resultatives. However, even in Japanese, compound verbs and sentences with an equative relation marker hodo can be used to express the content close to English strong resultatives. Surprisingly, the patterns observed in Japanese resultatives find the corresponding ones in Romanian. Romanian (and Italian, with slight differences) also have weak resultatives but no strong resultatives. By adding the words până (ce), which roughly corresponds to "as far as/up to/until," some strong resultatives will be acceptable (Farkas 2009, 2016). This paper focuses on similar phenomena observed in these languages. First, we clarify the meaning of the Japanese equative expression hodo, "as far as/up to." Second, we will compare Japanese hodo and Romanian până. Careful observation of these cases reveals that at least some cases, which have been considered resultatives, should be treated as "equative constructions." This idea is further supported by the fact that the logical operator CAUSE used to represent the causality is not appropriate for constructions of our interest. We also propose that some English resultatives with an incomplete resultative state that works more as a degree modifier than a resulting state may be better analyzed as an equative construction.
Abstract: In current studies of resultative constructions, there are broadly two basic subclasses: weak and strong resultatives. It has been said that there are weak resultatives in Japanese but no strong resultatives. However, even in Japanese, compound verbs and sentences with an equative relation marker hodo can be used to express the content close to Eng...
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The Use of Adverbs in Obeledu Dialect and Standard Igbo: A Contrastive Analysis
Peter Oyewole Makinde,
Stephanie Otitodilichukwu Aniekwe
Volume 10, Issue 4, July 2022
17 July 2022
1 August 2022
10 August 2022
Abstract: Studies have shown that all human languages have ways of expressing adverbs and adverbial notions. In addition, multiple studies on the dialects of Igbo have focused on a wide range of areas in the linguistics field with various scholars focusing on comparative analysis of different dialects of Igbo. However, findings showed that only few researches have been done on adverbs in the various varieties of Igbo language; especially on Obeledu dialect of Igbo language. As a result of the very few researches on the use of adverbs in Igbo and particularly in Obeledu dialect, there are a number of things we do not know about adverbs in Obeledu dialect of Igbo language. We do not know the peculiarities found in the adverbs of Obeledu dialect; we do not know how adverbs, as a word class, operate and/or are realized in Obeledu dialect of Igbo language. Also, our knowledge is limited with respect to what similarities and differences that exist in the use of adverbs in Obeledu dialect and Standard Igbo. This study therefore problematized the use of adverbs in Obeledu dialect and Standard Igbo. This paper is theoretically framed around Lado’s (1957) Contrastive Analysis (CA). To attempt to answer the questions raised in this paper, the study employed a descriptive research design in order to provide the procedural outline for the conduct of the study under investigation. Obeledu, a town that is geographically situated in Anaocha Local Government Area of Anambra State constitutes the study area. Data for the study were collected by means of elicitation from six elderly speakers who are natives of Obeledu and had lived in the village for a period of time. The elicited information was recorded with the aid of phone recording. The data collected for this research were analyzed through the use of simple descriptive method. The data was then presented in tabular form and analysed accordingly. The findings of the study showed that adverbs are used the same way in the two varieties concerned. Findings further showed that there are identifiable similarities and differences in the use of adverbs in the two varieties of the language at the lexical, phonological, semantic and morphological levels. Adverbs therefore function as adverbial clause elements and modifiers of adjectives, prepositions, pronouns, determiners, numerals and noun phrases in both SI and OD.
Abstract: Studies have shown that all human languages have ways of expressing adverbs and adverbial notions. In addition, multiple studies on the dialects of Igbo have focused on a wide range of areas in the linguistics field with various scholars focusing on comparative analysis of different dialects of Igbo. However, findings showed that only few researche...
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